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Photo Info

Dimensions7273 x 10000
Original file size18.3 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
Date modified2-Mar-16 06:33
Curse of Strahd;  Wachterhouse (Digital DM & Player Versions)

Curse of Strahd; Wachterhouse (Digital DM & Player Versions)

This map of Wachterhouse was originally created as part of the D&D RPG adventure Curse of Strahd.

Ravenloft and the vampire Count Strahd von Zarovich are back for 5th edition in this massive new adventure from Wizards of the Coast. Will your players survive the Demiplane of Dread or shall they be the Count's next main course?

In one simple download you get both the DM and players versions of the map as well as an un-gridded rendering well suited for use with any virtual tabletop software. Sized at 7273 x 10000 pixels, it's perfect for home printing or screen display. Purchase the map today for use with the original game supplement or import the artwork into your own home brew campaign.

Bonus: Need the whole collection of maps from the book and want a deep discount? Then check out the Bundled Map Set and grab them all for a great price!

P.S. For a quick and easy tutorial on resizing digital battle maps for printing and use with miniatures, make sure to visit Schley's Tutorials.