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Dimensions864 x 1111
Original file size668 KB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
Date modified26-Nov-16 21:27
Scourge of the Sword Coast (7 Digital DM & Player Maps) $10

Scourge of the Sword Coast Map Bundle (7 Digital DM & Player Maps)

This collection of seven hi-res digital RPG maps were originally created for the D&D Encounters adventure Scourge of the Sword Coast.

In this single large download you'll get all of the DM and player versions of my maps as well as un-gridded renderings that are perfect for use with any virtual tabletop software. For a preview of what's included, take a look at the full map set.

Presented in the highest resolution available, they are well suited for either home printing or screen display. Purchase the bundle now to help run the adventure or use them separately to spice up your own story!

P.S. For a quick tutorial on resizing digital battle maps for printing and use with miniatures, make sure to read my post on the subject over at Schley's Tutorials.