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Photo Info

Dimensions2157 x 2876
Original file size2.18 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
Date modified16-Nov-20 21:07
Rime of the Frostmaiden; Dougan's Hole (Digital) $2.25

Rime of the Frostmaiden; Dougan's Hole (Digital)

This town map of Dougan's Hole was created for the D&D RPG adventure Rime of the Frostmaiden. In one simple download you get tagged and untagged versions of this hi-res digital map. Sized at 2157 x 2876 pixels, it's perfect for home printing or screen display. Want a pre-printed poster or wet-erase friendly vinyl banner for tabletop use? Make sure to order your battle map here and have it shipped just in time for your next game night. In addition, high quality artist's prints are also available for purchase. Shipped right to your door, they're a great option for decorating your home or game room.

Bonus: Need the whole collection of my 11 maps from the adventure and want a deep discount? Then check out the Rime of the Frost Maiden Bundled Map Set and grab them all today for a great price!

X2 Multiplier: I also created isometric maps of Icewind Dale and the Ten Towns for the classic D&D adventure Legacy of the Crystal Shard. Purchase and download the high-res digital artwork to add a bit of depth to the setting and help your players immerse themselves in the adventure.