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Original file size685 KB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
Date modified1-Feb-24 15:17
Book of Many Things Map & Art Bundle (15 Digital DM & Player Images)

Book of Many Things Map & Art Bundle (15 Digital DM & Player Images)

These fifteen encounter maps and site illustrations were created for the official D&D adventure supplement Book of Many Things. Designed to assist your storytelling mind's eye, the magical RPG supplement has everything you'll need to inspire your player's to heroic feats of bravery while exploring the legendary Deck of Many things.

In a single download you'll get high resolution versions of all of my original maps and illustrations that were created for the publication. In addition, all the pieces come with spoiler-free player's versions as well as ungridded versions of the battle maps that are perfect for use with virtual tabletop applications. The set is a great resource for printed home decoration, tabletop use, or on-screen display. For a preview of what's included, take a look at my full Book of Many Things map and art set. Presented in the highest resolution available, each image is a world unto itself. Purchase the bundle now to help run the adventures or use them separately to spice up your own RPG campaign.

+1 Bonus: Want pre-printed battle map posters that are ready for tabletop use instead of the digital files? Then make sure to order your battle map prints here and have them shipped to your door just in time for your next game night.