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Photo Info

Dimensions2550 x 3300
Original file size2.85 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
Date modified15-Sep-22 14:40
Schleyscapes: Tokens (Set 005; Meadow Desolation)

Schleyscapes: Tokens (Set 005; Meadow Desolation)

This suite of 37 desolation themed .png tokens has been designed to add richly detailed features to your own RPG map creations. Try them out with Schleyscapes Terrain Tiles or incorporate them into your own image resource collection to enhance your encounter sites. Provided at battle map print, high, medium, and small sizes, these digital files are suitable for use with any graphics application, virtual tabletop, or map making program like Dungeons of Schley. Want to build evocative locations to help take your game to a whole new level? Schleyscapes has got you covered!

Schleyscapes PNG Suites are licensed for commercial use. In other words, the maps you make with these files can be used in homebrew games or published adventures. Just include a byline if they are used in a commercial project. Happy mapping!