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Dimensions1240 x 864
Original file size711 KB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
Date modified6-Feb-24 15:38
Scales of War; Episodes 4 - 6 Map Bundle (23 Digital DM & Player Maps)

Scales of War; Episodes 4 - 6 Map Bundle (23 Digital DM & Player Maps)

This bundled set of hi-res digital maps consists of artwork I created for the D&D adventure path Scales of War. The map bundle's 3 associated stories Lost Mine of Karak, Den of the Destroyer, and The Temple Between originally appeared in issues 159, 160, & 161 of Dungeon Magazine. As the 4th, 5th, and 6th episodes of Scales of War, it's an ideal story arc for players of level 6 to 9.

In one simple download you get all 23 of my maps from these 3 sequential adventures including both labeled DM and unlabeled player versions for spoiler free game play. Purchase the set today to run the epic adventure path or import the artwork into your own home brew campaign. For a preview of what's in the bundle, make sure to browse the gallery - Scales of War Individual Maps.